Customised Training


100% of clients report savings of more than £1100 per year on courses that were only partially relevant to their business

The majority of SMEs can’t afford to have a dedicated customs expert in-house. Employees in logistics, sales, finance and purchasing all work together to do the best they can when importing and exporting and they learn on the job.

Taking time out of the business to do a webinar or course that doesn’t answer your specific questions feels like a waste of time and money.

That’s why The International Trade Consultancy offers customised training tailored to your individual requirements.

  • Half a day spent at your company understanding what you do and where the gaps in your knowledge are
  • Answering as many questions as possible while on site
  • Followed by a customised training plan delivered virtually
  • Written materials and resources for you to refer back to afterwards

Clients report that team members feel confident and empowered once their specific issues have been resolved and can see how all the topics covered relate to each other in the context of their business.

For an example of how customised training would benefit your team read the InXpress case study.

Get in touch!